Doula Services

  • Prenatal

    3-6 at home or virtual sessions where we will explore:

    - Your birth plan/preferences to share with your healthcare team

    - Tools to manage emotional and practical obstacles to a satisfying experience of birth.

    - Your rights as a birthing person and tools to self-advocate

    - Perinatal mental health resources

    - How to be an excellent birth partner and supportive team

    - What gender affirmative care and language means to you

    - Options for comfort measures/pain relief to work out what’s best for you

    - Pranayama breathwork and mindfulness

    (Price included in birth support)

  • Birth

    I will be on call from 38 weeks until you give birth. During and after birth, I will:

    - Provide emotional and physical support.

    - Advocate for your wishes as described in your birth plan

    - Help prepare your home in cases of homebirth

    - Help you maintain calmness via tools and techniques practised beforehand

    - Maintain a serene space for you and communicate your wishes to medical staff

    - Help you to establish skin-to-skin contact with your baby and initiate chest/breast/bodyfeeding

    - Support you with documentation of your birth if required


  • Postnatal

    ​Within a week of your birth, I will visit you for a debrief  to:

    - Process your birth experience together

    - Offer lactation support

    -Prepare nutritious hot meals and ayurvedic Sri Lankan teas

    - Offer assistance with rituals to honour the placenta e.g placenta burials

    -Do light housework so that you are able to rest and shower

    £300 for 12 hours of postnatal support

    I offer additional postnatal support when possible at an hourly rate of £25/hr

Receive a free welcome pack outlining my services and prices

pregnant women researching birthwork doula services

Where I work

I currently offer in person doula support across London, primarily in North and Central London. I am happy to offer virtual support to people based outside this area who are unable to find affirming support locally. Please enquire to find out whether I can provide you with in person support.

Brown baby asleep

“I’m not sure if I want to hire a birthworker”

Our first meeting is free and allows you to find out more about what services I offer. During this conversation we will be able to see if we are a good fit for one another. I can also signpost you towards other birthworkers that may be better suited to your needs.

I'm keen to support queer, trans and intersex Black people and people of colour at any stage of their family planning journey, including those considering IVF, surrogacy, adoption or fostering.

Questions about my services?

Contact me to book a free 30 minute meeting